Saturday, July 16, 2011

Finally, the official word: It's a .......

So I had an awesome experience this week.
Yes, I saw Poison-Motley Crue-Cinderella last weekend and that was awesome, but that's not what I'm talking about.
This is EVEN better than that. In fact, way better.
On Tuesday, Michelle and I took our 12-year-old, Alyssa, with us to the baby doctor.
Michelle was exactly 21 weeks pregnant at the time and it was time for another ultrasound. This was the time we could find out whether we were having a boy or a girl if we wanted to, and we wanted to.
The ultrasound technician took a lot of pictures and showed us a lot of stuff.
I have to be honest. I couldn't make out everything she was pointing out.
I watch a lot of Grey's Anatomy, but the liver, the four chambers of the heart .... it could have been pretty much anything as far as I could see.
But there was no mistaking our little baby's body, hands, feet, head.
There was no mistaking the baby's heartbeat, which Praise God, was strong and steady.
I realize many of you have experienced it before.
Maybe it is old hat to you.
But to this 43-year-old guy who thought he just might be past the time to have his own child, it was pretty magical. Isn't God awesome!?!?
My life is full right now. I have a great wife, two great stepkids, the crazy Pacey dog, great parents and family and friends. I have a job I like, working with coworkers I also like and respect, and we are members of a church we love.
If that were the story of my life, I would still feel blessed beyond belief.
But God didn't want to leave it at that.
So here I was, sitting next to my beautiful wife/best friend on one side and my precious stepdaughter on the other, and we're watching this tiny baby created by God out of our love move and squirm and do whatever those little babies do in there.
I realize I'm a journalist and I'm supposed to have all these lengthy, eloquent descriptions of such events. If you've been there before -- Wow -- is the best description you can come up with.
So at the end of the ultrasound, the nurse got to that final picture, showed us what was what and simply said, "It's a boy."
My eyes swelled up a bit -- as they're doing right now as I write this.
I think the reaction would have been the same if she would have said it was a girl.
That phrase just seemed to bring it home for me.
This is really happening.
I'm going to be a father.
God continues to bless us.
After the news went out on the ANN (Alyssa News Network via Ipod touch), Michelle and I messaged a few folks as well and then went about our day.
Pretty ordinary, right?
Pretty amazing, I'd say.
Thank you Lord for all you continue to do for us.